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As we start getting into some warmer weather, we figured a little update on the capital markets would assist you all in getting a perspective where we have been so far in 2019 and what to expect for the reminder of the year.

As we review your portfolios, this outlook, along with your particular situation is what might drive any necessary changes to your plan or allocation.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you to those that popped by our booth at the All About Women Tradeshow. We just love chatting with you! Congratulations to our 3 basket winners! We hope it brings you peace and joy.


  • Provide ongoing comprehensive financial planning services for our clients`short and long term goals.

  • Help clients to achieve personalized, diversified and well balanced investment portfolio`s.

  • Host financial education seminars and workshops

  • Inform our clients about industry trends, changes and legislation that may affect their financial plans.

  • Building Wealth Strategies

  • Professional and Personal Advice

  • Investment Needs Analysis

  • Tax Strategies & Estate Planning

  • Group Plans

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Some may look at the volatility and uncertainly of the Alternative Health Fund as uneasy and others may see it as an incredible opportunity to be at the forefront of this exciting industry that has opened up in Canada. If you are the latter, we invite you to watch the replay of the live-stream event from Wednesday, Nov. 21 2018, hosted by Charles Taerk, Sub-Advisor to Ninepoint Alternative Health Fund (CEO, Faircourt Asset Management) where Charles delves into some important questions with Peter Aceto, CEO of CannTrust Holdings Inc., and Greg Engel, CEO of Organigram Holdings.

A few key updates about the Ninepoint Alternative Health Fund and the cannabis sector:

Year to date (as of 2/28/19) 33.95% rate of return 1 year ROR (as of 2/28/19) 49.26%

Over the last 24 months, the world has gone from 10 countries to 40 countries, representing an addressable market of over 1.2 billion people, that now have some form of cannabis medical legalization.

There are now 32 states that are legal for medical and 10 States plus Washington DC that are legal for recreational use. All together that represents approximately 70% of the US population. Despite limitations at the federal level, these markets are operating effectively with leading operators generating significant revenues and growing cash flows.

Contact us to see if the Ninepoint Alternative Health Fund is the right addition to your portfolio.

(Source: Contact us to see if the Ninepoint Alternative Health fund is the right addition to your portfolio.

Third party publications are not prepared or approved by Keybase Financial Group Inc.  The opinions, estimates and projections contained in the publication are those of the author as of the date indicated and are subject to change without notice.  Keybase Financial Group Inc. makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, in respect thereof, takes no responsibility for any loss arising from any use of or reliance on the report or its contents.  The provision of this publication is not to be construed as an offer to sell or  a solicitation for or an offer to buy any securities.

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