Financial consulting is applicable for short term engagements mainly to answer specific questions on a financial matter, or to get a second opinion. We are available on an hourly basis to provide such guidance.
Your Concerns
Simplified with a
Financial Consultation
Financial consulting is applicable for short term engagement mainly to answer specific questions, to get a second opinion on your current plan or to have us assist you through a life changing event.
Under this engagement, we are available on an hourly basis.
Common areas we assist in:
A second opinion on current retirement plan
Simplifying the pension and severance pay decision at retirement
I received an inheritance, how do I manage it?
How do I buy a rental property, personally or under a corporation? And how do I finance it?
I own a business – how do I retire from it?
I'm a high income earning executive, what can I do to minimize the taxes I pay?
A second opinion on a suggested financial plan
Review and analysis of current investment plan
Recommendations around retirement income products
Suggested estate structure and key steps to follow when going through an estate planning process
What are my options purchasing my first home?
This service is provided by a senior Certified Financial Planner whose is also a Retirement and Pension Expert with over 20 years of industry experience. Hourly fee is $250.